Thursday, May 31, 2007

Remember Me

Thank you to all of our troops! Thank you for fighting to keep me and my family free! You are not forgotten!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

What Kind of Scrapbooker are You?

What kind of scrapper are you?

You're a Scrapping Queen! You're a Scrapping Queen! You know and love every embellishment, color of paper, album size, technique and tool there is! And you should because you wouldn't be able to run your very successful online scrapbook shop without that vital knowledge. Scrapping's not just a hobby to you, it's a lifestyle! Your license plate says LUV2SCRP, your kids call you by your screen name scraplady rather than mom. Your scrap area is organized, categorized and alphabetized, but it's never completely clean cause your always working on a new layout. Your husband has had to put a padlock on his workshop to keep you from rooting around in there for new scrapping embellishments. Needless to say, scrapping has taking over your life! But when all is said and done, you know it's worth it because you'll have beautifully perserved memories to hand down from generation to generation (even if it means dressing the kids up in their Halloween costumes in August so you can use that new ghost stamp you bought.)
Take this quiz!

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I took this quiz on quizilla, but I am not computer savy enough to figure out how to get it to look on here like it did on the website :) Oh well!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

A must have for the summer!

I took the littlest swirls for a walk yesterday in the sunny 85 degree weather. We had a pit stop at the dollar store and my little man just had to have these! He was so funny, he did not understand how dark they really made everything. When we walked in the house he kept asking me to turn on the lights! I have to remind myself that although he is getting bigger he is only 2 year old!

Speaking of getting bigger, I was really taken by surprise when I took this picture. He is going threw a growth spurt right now. The littlest ones are only a year apart but in this picture it doesn't seem that way. Can you believe that people ask me if they are twins?!?!
Understand that she was leaning over, but only a tiny bit, he really is that tall! I really am thankful to God everyday that I have the opportunity to be home with them. No job could ever pay me enough to make me miss these times with them.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Why do I do this, why am I a scrapbook consultant?

Why do you do this? When you spend an entire evening making telephone calls and inviting customers to an upcoming workshop, and end the night with two "maybe"s and lots of excuses, and you ask yourself "Why do I do this?"... When you drive your husband and children absolutely crazy in a house cleaning frenzy to prepare for a class, send them anywhere for the evening and threaten them with death if they come home early, then wait anxiously for your 8 scheduled students to arrive, only to have 2 actually show, and you ask yourself "Why do I do this?"... When you're driving home at 11:15 p.m. from a class where the coordinator told everyone that most of the stuff you were selling was at the craft stores (and then had the nerve to wonder how come she didn't earn anything for free for a class of 3), and you ask yourself "Why do I do this?"... When in the middle of your demonstration you overhear if she weren't my friend I would not be here you'll ask yourself "Why do I do this?"... When the downline for whom you had the greatest hopes calls you and tells you she's deactivating because she hasn't touched her own albums in the past year, and you ask yourself "Why do I do this?"... ...Let me give you a few things to remember. When you receive a note in the mail from an appreciative student, telling you how much she enjoyed her class and that her family loved the page she completed, you'll say to yourself "This is why we do this." When you spend an evening laughing and talking with a group of customers and feel their appreciation for your ideas and assistance, you'll say to yourself "This is why we do this." When you receive that first commission check in the mail, and you treat the whole family to a dinner at a restaurant, you'll say to yourself "This is NOT why we do this...but it's getting better." When you realize that you have the potential to make unlimited income and get to watch your children grow up you'll say to yourself "This is why we do this." When you stay up half the night with fellow consultants at a convention, laughing over your experiences and sharing details of your family life that would make your husband blush, and come home feeling refreshed and excited about your business, you'll say to yourself "This is why we do this." When you spend a quiet evening at home with your children, looking at your own photo albums and laughing your way through the memories, you'll say to yourself "This is why we do this." When a customer pulls you aside and, with tears in her eyes, tells you how her elderly mother reacted to receiving the carefully prepared album of her childhood pictures, you'll say to yourself, "This is why we do this." But most of all... When you think of the hundreds of photos, the thousands of memories, the hugs and the laughter, the births and the weddings, the vacations and the first days of school, the ugly years and the blossoming beauties, the old boyfriends and the new hair styles, and the countless moments in time that have been lovingly preserved for the future because YOU cared enough to take the time to share, you'll know This is why we do this, This is why I do this!

Originally Posted on Heaven Sent Blog... rewrote and rearranged by Krafty Kiesha!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Proud Mommy Moment

So today my oldest chocolate child was inducted in the National Junior Honor Society. I am so proud of her. She has really worked hard to achieve this and everything that she has accomplished in her little lifetime. I told her that she is setting the bar very high for her younger siblings and to keep it up.

All that and she still isn't too big to take a picture with Mommy! :)

On a side note she is still very much a teenager; about an hour before I was due to show up at the school she calls me because she needs to change her shoes..." I wore my sneakers today and I look like a complete dork!" So of course I got there early so that she sould change into her less dorky boots (which happened to be mine)! Girls will be girls I guess, and if this is the only problem that I will have with her for a while I will consider myself blessed!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

So I had a blog once...

So about 3 years ago I had a blog that was horrible, so I decided to try again. I am still not sure about the whole idea of putting my life on here for all to see but I figured that I could post things that matter to me, if nothing else, right? But who cares this is for me and those who know me I guess. So here's my attempt again.

As for the title... I am black hence the chocolate, my husband have you guessed it... is white hence the vanilla, and the rest I assume is self explanatory.But for those of you who might not get it, 2 children are chocolate, 2 children are vanilla, and the last 3 finish our sundae with the swirls!

When I find myself up past midnight I am usually reading a really awesome book, or I am scrapbooking. This is by far my all time favorite hobby, right next to eating :). I also teach others the importance of preserving their legacy. Shoot me an email if you would like to learn more about this, . Until then I hope to keep this up and running! Wish me luck!

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