Thursday, November 15, 2007

My house has thrown up

Most days I am mildly aware that I have 7 children. But today there was no escaping that fact. I swear everytime I turned around I was re-picking something up. Re-picking... "didn't i just throw that away? Wasn't that just in the toy box? Why is there a pencil in the fridge?" Okay don't get me wrong I am really not complaining just more observing that there are a lot of kids running around here.

Not too long ago a friend of mine told me that she envisioned me waking up each morning with a song, sweetly arousing the children as I make them a homemade breakfast and send them off to school with smiles on their faces and tummy's full of whole some goodness. I told her she was absolutely right if our morning song is "They're coming to take me away", and arousing them sweetly consist of me repeating over and over that "you have five minute if I come back in there you won't have to worry about going to school" , and homemade breakfast consists of what ever cereal has the least amount of sugar in it, or what ever in the fridge doesn't have mold on it!

Okay I am just kidding, I think!? I do love my family and all the roller coaster hills it come with. I honestly couldn't imagine my life any other way. I just had an unexpected visitor and my living room looked as if every article of clothing in the house was some how all over the couches. As soon as I answered the door all of a sudden I became the most popular person in the house and you would have thought they were going to hit the jack pot for seeing who could say my name the most in a ten minute span. Sometimes I have to imagine that Our Lord is having the time of his life watching us all down here, " Oh look, I thought for sure she was about to send that one back up here for a minute ". But I promise I am not complaining. Now excuse me while I explain to the boys once again why it isn't fun to Mommy to make the 2 year old scream at the top of her lungs. Oh the joys of motherhood!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Am I a mommy blogger?

I have to be honest I first started my blog so that I could have another way to advertise my business, but the longer that I have had it, it has become scrapbook of sorts.
I have some of my favorite things, proud mommy moments, silly kid pics, and my own accomplishments. Even a story, poem, or two. But I never had a title for myself until tonight. But I do not think that I quite fit the bill. I mean I am a mom, this much is obvious right, but I do not feel the urge yet to spill all my personal adventures on to the world wide web... yet... anyways. So I guess I answered my own question really. Although I do love to write I am definitely more of a reader, and I tend to write the way that I talk ( and think) which is not always English, that's for sure. So I guess we will see.... mommy blogger in the making perhaps?

Who knows, I am just proud of myself for even remembering that I have this thing!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Completely Addicted

So I have finally discovered that the best thing about tv is the commercials... and the fact that you can get them on you tube is the best! Woo Hoo... here's another!

Friday, November 9, 2007

Toot toot...

Okay so normally I am a little annoyed with adults that do the whole "look at me" ,"look what I did" thing. But lately I have been working my butt off and I think that my creative style is improving... so... look at me (lol) I just recently added some cards and things to my online shop and after posting them I was quite impressed with myself. So here is me tooting my own horn:
This is (obviously) an close up of my gift tag and card set, I love this picture, I do not consider my self to be a photographer of any kind but I really like the way this came out. Here is a couple of pictures of the complete set:

I do wish I was some sort of photographer because then I think I would better be able to show all the little details I put into these cards. But enough of that... visit my shop (toot toot)
and then take a look around Etsy you will be amazed! Thanks for looking!

Visit My Etsy Shop Too!