Friday, November 14, 2008

My ooooh my...

In 3 days I will be having a birthday, my 32nd. And when I look at how my life has changed from last year to this all I can do is shake my head and sigh...

I have gone from being unhappily married, in a town where I felt pretty much alone. To being contently single and back home just in time for family drama. In just a few months time I have completely relocated, found a new job, and relearned ( am still relearning) me.

I have definitely learned that I am stronger than I thought I was. I am just capable. I know that sounds like a weird statement, but I am sure you have met people that don't realize that they are capable of anything. And I realized I am capable of what ever I set my mind to. Which is exciting and scary all at the same time.

I have learned what love is by not being loved properly. I have learned to be content with very little knowing that the goal is to strive for more. I am looking forward to seeing what is going to happen next...

Thursday, May 22, 2008

I wish I could take credit for this but I can't ...

I recently had someone ask me how I feel about all of our countries current economic strains. It was interesting. The person looked at me as if they anticipated a complaint rolling off my lips. It didn't. Instead, my answer was simple: "God is good." See, it could be worse. I could not have a car to put gas in. It could be me overseas fighting a war with no visible signs of resolve. It could be me buried under piles of debris in China, holding on in hopes that someone will find me. I could've even been that one gunned down by multiple police bullets in that major city.

But God.

I know it sounds churchy, but God's Word is still true. Amen somebody! See, it's not that I'm so solvent that the issues of life don't tug at my heart too. I see them and I don't make light of them. Real talk, I fill my tank just like everyone else. My obligations are no different than yours. I have to pay bills, and run a company while still working another man's vision. And anyone who's a business owner will tell you that often times you may find yourself enduring what seems like endless seasons of sowing prior to reaping any type of harvest. So, I know what it's like to have concerns. We all have concerns. But here's where the men separate from the boys: belief.

The question: whose report will you believe?

See, we can listen to CNN give the economic forecast. We can watch gas prices rise $12,435.29 a gallon. We can even listen to people as they attempt to dictate how we should feel about the state of our economics…but then what? I don't know about you, but I've just always considered myself above the influence. You should too. I mean really, do you know who you serve? Do you know that God has all of the authority over the ability of the enemy? No, now is not the time to be punk'd by life. Church, don't let life handle you, you handle it. Remember, YOU'RE the one with dominion, not devils.

The question is, do you believe it? Is there anybody out there crazy enough to trust God? Where are the people of God willing to stand and speak faith? Anybody out there refuse to cower to the look of things? Okay push pause right here! You know what the church needs right now?

Testimony service.

Yeah, a good old-fashioned testimony service. Anybody want to tune-up the organ and testify? Hold, up! I think my brother David has something he wants to share. King David what do you want to share with the people about the God we serve? "I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread." Psalms 37:25.

Hallelujah! Now, that's what I'm talking about "D". Finally someone willing to give an account. Church, aren't you glad that David reminds us that God will never forsake us? You ought to give him praise for that! I'm so glad to know that although people may leave, God is always there. And not only that but He won't leave us without. Not if we're righteous He won't.

Where all my right standing folks at? Go ahead, with your sanctified, Holy Ghost filled, righteous self (smile)!

Okay, who wants to testify next? Is that Moses I see making his way to the Hammond B? Alright, this is going to be good. Now take your time brother Moses. Don't worry about your stutter either. Speak slowly, we'll wait for you (smile). What can you share to encourage the people Moses? "Know therefore that the LORD thy God, He is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love Him and keep His commandments to a thousand generations.

" Deuteronomy 7:9

My God! Now that's a Word! Thank you Moses for reminding us of His faithfulness. See saints, even in times of famine God is faithful throughout generations. Even when we can't see Him, He's still there. Even when it seems like all hope is gone, He is still true to His Word. Thank you Lord! God I thank you for your faithfulness. God I take time out to bless you today. My God, I feel a praise stirring. Hallelujah!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well? Don't just sit there! Go ahead and bless God wherever you are! I am so for real right now! Don't let fear box you in. I dare you right now wherever you are to let out a loud, unorthodox, radical this-may-be-my-last-time praise! And don't worry about people around you thinking you're crazy. I mean really. You're in front of a computer. Praising God. While reading a Myspace blog. You don't think they know you're crazy yet (smile)? Oh, whatever.

C'mon, let's just bless Him anyway!


Whew, Lord. Okay, let's bring this thing home.

Is there anyone else that can share with us some final words of encouragement? Can anyone speak to that one that still hasn't caught a hold of what's going on here? Can anyone share for that one who is reading this right now and wondering 'How can you tell me to be encouraged when you don't know what's in my bank account? When's the last time you lived paycheck to paycheck? And how can I see tomorrow, if I can't even get passed today?'

Oh my is that who I think it is coming toward the front? Is that the King of kings? The Lord, of lords? Wow! Ladies and gentlemen the ultimate Propitiation Himself, Jesus the Christ. JC, what do you have to share in response to all of this? "The life is more than meat, and the body is more than raiment. 24) Consider the ravens: for they neither sow nor reap; which neither have storehouse nor barn; and God feedeth them: how much more are ye better than the fowls? 25) And which of you with taking thought can add to his stature one cubit? 26) If ye then be not able to do that thing which is least, why take ye thought for the rest? 27) Consider the lilies how they grow: they toil not, they spin not; and yet I say unto you, that Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. 28) If then God so clothe the grass, which is to day in the field, and to morrow is cast into the oven; how much more will he clothe you, O ye of little faith? 29) And seek not ye what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink, neither be ye of doubtful mind. 30) For all these things do the nations of the world seek after: and your Father knoweth that ye have need of these things. 31) But rather seek ye the kingdom of God; and all these things shall be added unto you." Luke 12:23-31.

My God with a Word like that, there's only one place to go from here. The doors of the church are now open (smile). The invitation is extended. Now is the time to lay it all on the altar. Lack? Lay it down. Worry? Lay it down. Fear? Lay it down. God knows my sister. He sees my brother. He has not forgotten you. He's standing right in the midst of your situation with arms wide open waiting to show Himself as Jehovah-jireh, the God that provides.

He just has one question:

Won't you come?

Nikki Washington

Wasn't that awesome, now visit Glow online and give Ms. Nikki a shout!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I always feel guilty...

About how infrequently I blog. Like if you are going to have a blog then you should write something at least every other day. But what if nothing interesting happens, that is "blog worthy" then what? And who exactly am I writing this for? I have no dreams of becoming a professional blogger (how there even is such a thing is beyond me), plus my grammar is way to bad for that. But yet in still I feel guilty. I usually post things on here that strike me as funny, or something that pertains to my business. But no sort of deliberate schedule, of for any kind of particular audience (even though I would like to think I have a small following, I mean really who doesn't) . Okay enough, I give up, I refuse to be this critical of myself. I will blog when I want to and about what I want to, because that is why I started this whole thing. As nothing more than a release...ahhh. Having said all that onto today's topic...

I fully think I have some form of OCD. Not so bad that I can't function, but almost. Not the washing your hands a million times, or having to lock the door over and over again type. But just as strange none the less. Please note that I am in no way, shape, or form making light of people with this disorder, I just wonder is it possible to have a slight case of it. From day to day I find myself fixated on certain things, and don't feel like my day is complete until I have either done what I set out to do, or find what ever it is that I am looking for, or what ever. Sometimes this is not a bad thing, like today for example, I woke up this morning and decided that I was going to make bread. For no particular reason, not to go with a special meal or anything like that, just make bread. And I had to make 2 loaves. One would not do, no, it HAD to be 2. This doesn't sound too bad right? It didn't really interfere with anything else I had to today, but here's where it gets a little weird. Before I could even have my morning coffee, I had to have all of the ingredients out and lined up on the table. I could not even take a shower until the first loaf was in the oven.Hmmm...just a little OCD.

Scenario number 2, I am absolutely obsessed with Shia Labeouf right now. Not stalker type obsessed, but I find myself looking up some random piece of information on him almost everyday. The day is just not complete with out a tidbit about Shia. My teenage daughters think this is hilarious and constantly remind me this is the same young man that was in Holes. But it didn't start back then, this one is new. Plus did you see him in Transformers, Constantine, I-Robot, come on, how could I not be a little fixated. Oh dear and he is on the cover or GQ, hmmm...OCD...I already had my fix today, yeah google is great for stuff like that.

Then there's the color coding thing... well maybe that is not the right name for it, but I buy everything with a sort of background thought about this color coding system I have. This system is set up strictly for my children. (huh, you say) When my four oldest were little they had colors for all of their kitchen utensils. Oldest to youngest was blue, yellow, green, and red. I used to say that I did that to make sure that they didn't fight over who got what. But that was only a half truth. It was for me. Everything had to match, and now that I have this second generation of children, it has started all over again. Now the colors are blue, green, and pink. And today the littlest swirlie was very upset because she did not want to use pink, she wanted green. Well, that is not her color! I tried to explain to her that her cup is pink, so she had to use the pink plate, it only made sense. She was not listening to this logic, because she's 2,what is wrong with me. So needless to say she got to eat on the green plate, and her big brother used pink. But I could not stop thinking about this, so much so that I had to freaking blog about it. OCD! Ugh!

Alright maybe I am being a bit dramatic, but seriously, this could become an issue,I mean it could completely take over, my goodness,what if it moves beyond the color coding thing,I could have an episode just thinking about me having it!I'm kidding, kinda, sorta. By the way the bread was delicious :)

Monday, May 12, 2008

Organized Life by Design

I am really loving this new group, it is all about living an organized life according to God's principles. The women on here are great... take a look!

Visit Organized Life by Design

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day to Me!!

Alright so the day is still early, but so far, so AWESOME!!! Seriously this is the highlight of my day:

This is my daughters and me performing this morning at my church... I will have to explain more later, just know that this was an answer to prayer!

Happy Mother's Day All!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Where have all the Boy Scouts gone?

Today as I was doing my Friday run around, I was driving down was is a fairly busy street in town. As I was breaking the law and talking on my cell phone, (fully justified because I was stopped at a red light) I saw a very sad sight; two little old ladies trying to cross the street. The first lady made is across OK but as the second lady tried to cross the light started to change, so she RAN back to the corner. It took all that I had to not seriously pull a citizen's traffic stop kind of thing, get out of my car and help her get across the street. All I could think is where are all the little boys looking to earn so me kind of merit badge and help this poor lady across the street? It was just really sad...I would hope that if this was me, there would be some one that would stop, or at least stop their cars long enough to let me get across.

OK, now you ask, did I stop? No...pathetic, I know. But before you wag your finger at me (or worse) all I could think is: I pull over, get out of my van, run up to this complete stranger, offer to help her cross the street, and she begins to hurl wonderful words of insults at me because I scared the crap out of her and what on Earth makes me think that she is incapable of crossing the street by herself. Geesh, lady I was just trying to help!

OK, OK, so that is what happened to all the Boy Scouts...just maybe?!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Whew it's been a long time...

I really love reading other peoples blogs. I guess it's that whole voyeur thing. Looking into other people's lives. Most of the blogs I frequent are fellow scrappers, and I always find myself comparing. I always tend to second guess myself. I really do love to scrapbook, and when I look at my stuff think pretty good. But then when I look at other people's I think " oh why bother" . I know that most people go through this, but why? Why do we do this to ourselves. If you love what you do, then love what you do all the time. I have made it a goal to not be so critical of myself. Wish me luck...

On another note, life has been really crazy. Today I definitely felt like the worse mother ever. Okay maybe not ever but I felt pretty crappy. I took my 5 year old princess out today because I have been promising her for the last three weeks that I would take her to get new headbands. So today was the day, and it was fun, we get her new sneakers , then the head bands, then we go to mama's favorite store. AC Moore. It is National Scrapbooking Day by the way, so the day would not have been complete without that.

So as we are leaving the parking lot some wonderful fellow driver is right on my bumper. (Please hear the sarcasm!) I am not at liberty to just jump out in traffic as this guy would like me to as I was trying to not be like every other person on the road and cut people off. So here comes the honking of the horn and I look in the rear view mirror just in time to see the waving of the hands and what I am sure was a slurry of wonderful comments meant for none other than myself. So I politely say under my breath, "I was going, you idiot." Now under any other circumstances this would not be anything that I would necessarily blog about , and B.C. a whole different breed of language would have been spewing forth. However I had my daughter in the car. I can tell you that I did not think a second thought about saying that with her sitting there(wonderful mother that I am), but oh ... did she think different.

"Mama...that was not a nice thing to say."

"Oh, honey, Mama is so sorry, you are right , I should not say things like that."

"Yeah, Mama, cause all you have to say was I was going, you did not have to say the other word"

"You are so right, I am very sorry, I am glad that you told Mama though, I will really try not to say things like that any more."

"It's OK Mama, Jesus forgives you."

What else can you say to something like that. I felt like the exact word that I called that other driver. Geesh! At least I know all those talks about bad words and not nice words really worked. It is at times like these that I wish I could carry her around in my pocket, just as that little reminder of things just like that.

Me and my little Jesus reminder :)

Monday, April 28, 2008

New Website...

So with all the changes going on at TLC I have decided to "revamp" somethings. First being my website. Take a look:Visit, and let me know what you think. There will probably be some changes taking place over time, this is my first time doing something like this on my own, so bear with me!

Kiesha's Krafts is going through a whole new change over with new product lines, and more options to choose from. So stay tuned!

Friday, March 21, 2008

I just love this

Layout, there is not anything really special about it. Other than my son's darling little face, but I just love it none the less.

I have been scrapbooking for about 6 or 7 years now, and I have watched the hobby evolve. And though most of what I see I love some of it I think needs to fall into a new category. I want to get back to the love of scrapbooking. Not the need to have the best or newest products, but just for the love it.

I scrapbook because I want to leave behind something for my children to cherish for years to come. Something that they can look back on and see for themselves how much I loved them. Sometimes I find myself getting caught up in the "gotta only scrapbook the best pictures" phase or trying to make my pages look like those in the magazines. But some of my best layouts didn't come from a sketch, or magazine they came from my heart. I am not saying that there is anything wrong with shopping for the best, using a sketch, just don't forget why you started...for the love it. This is why I taken a vow to not shop, not because I don't want or need new things, but because I need to get back to the creativity of the art. And I think that is why I love this layout so much, there is not frills about it, but when my swirlie looks at it as an adult I want him to know how much I love him. I just love him. I just love t scrapbook.

Have you seen those commercials...

Where the people are talking in a voice that is not their own. It's about credit card fraud, they are pretty hilarious right? Well it sucks when it really happens. I mean my goodness I took a vow to not shop for a month, so some else decides to do it for me, ugh! I imagined my own commercial and me talking ,with children in tow,as some snotty woman about her shopping expenditure in Paris. Yeah, when the bank called they said the charge was from some company in France! I wouldn't even know what to buy from France, or even where to look to find a shop that would have something that I would want... could you imagine the shipping charges! People...hmpf! Well I have to say I have a great bank and they caught it so no huge damage was done. Thank goodness!

I have been trying to make it a point to get as much work done as possible today, well yesterday I guess since it's about 2:30 in the morning now, so I thought I would share some of my new goodies.I call this one Flower Power , it is blank on the inside so that it can be personalized which ever way need be.

And these are part of my Simple Sentiment line are cards. This is a 4 pack each with different hand stamped greetings. Each of these cards and more can be found in my online shop. Take a look I am sure that there is something that you will love!

I also have found time to get some more scrapbooking done...
I have decided that some time this summer I need to take a photography class. I really want to be able to take better pictures of my kiddos and my goodies. They never look on film they way they do when I look at them, my goodies that is. Well the kids either I guess, they are always smiling sweetly until I get camera out, then I get pictures like this:

I am sure that she will want to kill me for this when she get older. Oh well...I guess I get better one of these days!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Got my mojo working

So the last couple of days have been really crappy outside, so I have actually have the time to get some scrapping done. I have made it a point to not shop for the next 30 days! So I have to be able to use what ever I have here, and nothing more! UGH! But I think I did okay...

These layouts are some of my favorites, I have to say that I think I am getting better. I actually "squooze" these layout out will doing all my everyday activities yesterday! Pretty impressive huh? Like how I refuse to not use "squooze" ! HA!

Friday, March 7, 2008

I can't sepll...

Ha...I just thought this would be fun. I have a difficult time with homophones. Not all of them, just some, and in case you need a refresher course a homophone is :

a word pronounced the same as another but differing in meaning, whether spelled the same way or not, as heir and air.

Now this is a lesson is one that you usually learn in the 2nd grade. But I obviously was not paying attention on those days. Here are two words that I commonly misuse:

through and threw....I can do all things THREW Christ whom strengthens me...hmmm no so good.

I am sure that there are others, but I can not think of them at the moment.

But I also have the habit of creating my own words. Such as squooze...

I squooze all the juice out of the orange.

Looks ridiculous , right? Well it wasn't to me, I even got into a discussion with my husband about this and had him prove to me that it wasn't a word my looking it up in the dictionary. I am sure that I am not the only person that has done this, I mean after all the wonderful Dr. Seuss was famous for creating his own words. Oh well, for now I will work on correcting my grammar until I can become famous for my own lingo too. Thanks April :)

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Biggest Fear

I am a chicken... a big chicken! I admit it.. okay! But not when it comes to everything, I can only think of two things that REALLY scare me. Centipedes and the dentist!!! The dreaded DENTIST!
But today I faced my fear and went to a new dental office. The people there where sooooo nice and soooo patient. I literally had to pep talk myself all the way there..."you can do this Kiesha, think about your kids, teach them how to take care of themselves. You CAN do this." I walked in, the cute little receptionist was so nice. I'm good, I am so strong, I made it here, I didn't reschedule, no one is walking out crying. I am so good.Yeah that was real good until I got into that chair... are going to be okay...what did he just many extractions...oral surgery...oh why didn't you take care of this a long time ago... I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me... he is only going to pull two and they are way in the back, you can't even reach those with your tooth brush... omg look at the size of that don't look just close your eyes...OUCH,OUCH, OUCH.... I think he is smiling under that mask... oh my goodness my throat is numb...I can't swallow...I am going to choke and die right here...stop being ridiculous...just swallow... I wonder what they would do if I ran right would I explain that to the can do this...don't be a chicken...okay here he comes don't cry...just keep your eyes closed....what on earth was that mouth is not supposed to open this wide...did he just say that BLOOD...Oh my GOD is he pulling all of them...stop freaking out...stop freaking out...I am TOTALLY FREAKING OUT...your 3 year old did better than you...oh my he's done...that wasn't so bad...why am I still shaking...oh my goodness there is really a hole there...i wonder if he will give me a shot of Novocaine for the big baby you weren't even in there for an appointment for the other 3 TEETH, sure no problem....oh gosh...I can't breathe...

So I still have the rest of my teeth, I had an abscessed tooth so this was kind of an emergency get it out of there. It totally wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, but it was still very frightening. And right now I am waiting for the pain pill to kick in cause I feel like I just gave birth through my face. It always amazes me how long it takes things to go from your head to your heart. In my head I know there is nothing to be afraid of, the office was clean, the people were nice. The dentist was very professional, I know that I need to do this for my health. But in my heart... well you already read that part. Maybe next time I will be a little more brave. Maybe...

On a side note I got to see the teeth that they pulled, so gross, God Bless the dental industry, I could never do it!

Friday, February 29, 2008

This is too funny!

I totally stole this from another blog... but she totally stole it too, so I guess it's okay?

Dear Tech Support,
Last year I upgraded from Boyfriend 5.0 to Husband 1.0 and noticed a distinct slow down in overall system performance -- particularly in the flower and jewelry applications, which operated flawlessly under Boyfriend 5.0.
In addition, Husband 1.0 uninstalled many other valuable programs, such as Romance 9.5 and Personal Attention 6.5 and then installed undesirable programs such as NFL 5.0, NBA 3.0, and Golf Clubs 4.1.
Conversation 8.0 no longer runs, and Housecleaning 2.6 simply crashes the system. I've tried running Nagging 5.3 to fix these problems, but to no avail. What can I do?
Signed, Desperate
Dear Desperate:
First keep in mind, Boyfriend 5.0 is an Entertainment Package, while Husband 1.0 is an Operating System.
Please enter the command: 'I Thought You Loved Me.exe', try to download Tears 6.2 and don't forget to install the Guilt 3.0 update. If that application works as designed, Husband 1.0 should then automatically run the applications Jewelry 2.0 and Flowers 3.5. But remember, overuse of the above application can cause Husband 1.0 to default to Grumpy Silence 2.5, Happy Hour 7.0 or Beer 6.1. Beer 6.1 is a very bad program that will download the Snoring Loudly Beta.
Whatever you do, DO NOT install Mother-in-law 1.0 It runs a virus in the background that will eventually seize control of all your system resources. Also, do not attempt to reinstall the Boyfriend 5.0 program. These are unsupported applications and will crash Husband 1.0
In summary, Husband 1.0 is a great program, but it does have limited memory and cannot learn new applications quickly. You might consider buying additional software to improve memory and performance. We recommend Food 3.0 and Hot Lingerie 7.7.
Good Luck, Tech Support

Thought you all would get a kick out of that!

Friday, February 22, 2008

What is that face?

I was looking through my pics tonight and ran across the pics I took when my oldest swirlie turned 4, and I found this:
This is my middle swirlie, making what I call the Popeye face...this picture is actually not so bad, but this one:
shows almost the full blown Popeye smile.. and then there was this one:you can really see it.

This face he was making was only a phase that lasted for about a week, but I managed to get it on film almost every day of that week. I remember asking him to just smile, and him telling me "I'm am smiling Mom", all while talking from the side of his mouth. Just looking at these make me smile, cause God knows today was a trade them in day...whew, but we made it.

On a side note, I went to visit one of my girlfriend's yesterday (oh yes just for you dear) with my youngest two swirles. She happens to have two dogs and because we are a house with no pets my children have no idea how to really react to animals, let alone their treats, apparently. Okay, my dear sweet friend was trying to make my little ones feel more comfortable around the dogs, by getting them to give the doggies treats. Well little swirlie, thought she would sample hers before giving to the puppy. It wasn't so bad that she stuck the treat in her mouth it was that she seemed to enjoy it a little. Hmm, I wonder how much sugar there is in a scooby snack, she may be on to something here. I wonder what food group you would put that in on the WIC form...KIDDING!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Yes there are 7 of them

Alright I know it is not the norm for people to have large families now a days, but if some one asks me one more time why I have so many children I just might die. I actually had a doctor ask me if I did this on purpose! Please do not misunderstand, having this many children definitely has challenges, but God has given me the grace to handle the gifts that he has given me! It is as simple as that! Yes, there are days when I forget they are gifts, or when I want to take them to the return desk and see if I can swap them in for something shiny. But come on, how would you feel if I looked at you at went..." oh my, only one child, what's wrong with you, are you broken?" Or ..."hmm, two kids I guess you knew that you better stop while you were ahead." A little rough I know, but I am completely aggravated. I had a friend tell me once that he would kill himself if he had seven children...KILL HIMSELF. I had a woman once take a tour of my house (on her own, uninvited mind you) just because she could not believe that they could all fit in here, then kept making it a point to express that I MUST be crazy to have this many children! Because I am so sure that I needed her to check my sanity level for me. ARGH! Okay I am breathing now, please excuse my little temper tantrum. I just had to get it out of my system. Yes, I have 7 wonderful, smart, caring, loving children. Yes, they all fit in my house, and yes, I am sane. Well on most days, except those "trade them in for a shiny thing" days.
Here is a pic of the whole crew, chocolate, vanilla, and a couple of swirlies! Count them for yourself!

Friday, February 8, 2008

I actually scrapbooked...

It's seems like a silly statement. But I did...okay let me explain. Although I am a consultant for a wonderful company I often forget how much I truly love scrapbooking. You would think surrounded by all this lovely product every day that I would be this little creative lady just whipping up all kinds of papercraft lovies, but that is soooo not the case! So I am always looking for things to inspire me, books and magazines mostly. So while out on a "matching eyelets to the brown in my perfect ribbon chase" at AC Moore, I stumble upon the most wonderful book called Real Life Scrapbooking by Rebecca Cooper. I can honestly tell you that this book will completely speak to you as a Mom scrapper! Rebecca and the ladies that contributed to this book are amazing scrapbookers, but what blew me away the most was that these were real women with real children and real stories! I know that this sounds yeah so are all the other women that contribute their layouts to endless magazines, and you would be right. They are, but this is different. I felt like I could actually hear her talking when reading her journaling. The book itself reads like a well planned scrapbook! Okay enough, right? Well here's my proof:

I did all three of these layouts during the day, while doing laundry, feeding children,checking homework, teaching a class, responding to countless emails, and tons of other mother-wife duties! No big deal? I HAVE SEVEN CHILDREN! This is to me is unheard of! So go and get her book, you will not regret it, I promise! Oh, and just so you know I am in no way affiliated with Simple Scrapbooks, I do not know Rebecca Cooper and have no reason to tell you about this book other than the fact that I just love it!

Oh and on a side note, all the materials used here are available through TopLine Creations, excepts the flowers which are Heidi Grace and the eyelets which I got at where else but... AC Moore. LOL!

Monday, January 28, 2008

I am a bit overwhelmed..

So I have been very busy tying to get my business off the ground (for real) but I think I am in a bit over my head. I have been trying to work on my websites, contact customers, start a newsletter, make new product, all while not forgetting why I got into this business in the first place... for the love of scrapbooking! Ugh! I really need t get myself organized but remember that the Lord is never going to give me more than I can handle! Right...

Thursday, January 24, 2008

I'm a big girl now

A couple of days ago I was going on an outing with my two year little swirlie, and as we were descending the porch she decided she was big enough to do this on her own. I went to the bottom of the steps and looked back at her. I just watched in amazement as she took careful consideration into each step she took, even to where she placed her hand upon the railing. As she got to the bottom of the stair she realized that there was no more railing. With out a second thought she looked unto to me and said " Mom.. help please". I know this may seem like an ordinary daily occurrence, but it made me think about my relationship with my Heavenly Father, how many times has he sat back and watched as I tried I juggle my life. I am big enough to do it on my own...oh how many times I have said that, only to not have the sense of my two year old and realize when I need to say " Daddy... help please" Instead I step out, no railing ... And each and every time he is there to kiss every boo- boo, wipe every tear. Oh thank you Lord. Thank you for giving me the sense now to understand that I never want to be that much of a big girl. I will always need my Daddy.Here is my 2 yo, silly little turtle on Halloween, what a blessing she is !

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