Friday, November 14, 2008

My ooooh my...

In 3 days I will be having a birthday, my 32nd. And when I look at how my life has changed from last year to this all I can do is shake my head and sigh...

I have gone from being unhappily married, in a town where I felt pretty much alone. To being contently single and back home just in time for family drama. In just a few months time I have completely relocated, found a new job, and relearned ( am still relearning) me.

I have definitely learned that I am stronger than I thought I was. I am just capable. I know that sounds like a weird statement, but I am sure you have met people that don't realize that they are capable of anything. And I realized I am capable of what ever I set my mind to. Which is exciting and scary all at the same time.

I have learned what love is by not being loved properly. I have learned to be content with very little knowing that the goal is to strive for more. I am looking forward to seeing what is going to happen next...

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