Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I always feel guilty...

About how infrequently I blog. Like if you are going to have a blog then you should write something at least every other day. But what if nothing interesting happens, that is "blog worthy" then what? And who exactly am I writing this for? I have no dreams of becoming a professional blogger (how there even is such a thing is beyond me), plus my grammar is way to bad for that. But yet in still I feel guilty. I usually post things on here that strike me as funny, or something that pertains to my business. But no sort of deliberate schedule, of for any kind of particular audience (even though I would like to think I have a small following, I mean really who doesn't) . Okay enough, I give up, I refuse to be this critical of myself. I will blog when I want to and about what I want to, because that is why I started this whole thing. As nothing more than a release...ahhh. Having said all that onto today's topic...

I fully think I have some form of OCD. Not so bad that I can't function, but almost. Not the washing your hands a million times, or having to lock the door over and over again type. But just as strange none the less. Please note that I am in no way, shape, or form making light of people with this disorder, I just wonder is it possible to have a slight case of it. From day to day I find myself fixated on certain things, and don't feel like my day is complete until I have either done what I set out to do, or find what ever it is that I am looking for, or what ever. Sometimes this is not a bad thing, like today for example, I woke up this morning and decided that I was going to make bread. For no particular reason, not to go with a special meal or anything like that, just make bread. And I had to make 2 loaves. One would not do, no, it HAD to be 2. This doesn't sound too bad right? It didn't really interfere with anything else I had to today, but here's where it gets a little weird. Before I could even have my morning coffee, I had to have all of the ingredients out and lined up on the table. I could not even take a shower until the first loaf was in the oven.Hmmm...just a little OCD.

Scenario number 2, I am absolutely obsessed with Shia Labeouf right now. Not stalker type obsessed, but I find myself looking up some random piece of information on him almost everyday. The day is just not complete with out a tidbit about Shia. My teenage daughters think this is hilarious and constantly remind me this is the same young man that was in Holes. But it didn't start back then, this one is new. Plus did you see him in Transformers, Constantine, I-Robot, come on, how could I not be a little fixated. Oh dear and he is on the cover or GQ, hmmm...OCD...I already had my fix today, yeah google is great for stuff like that.

Then there's the color coding thing... well maybe that is not the right name for it, but I buy everything with a sort of background thought about this color coding system I have. This system is set up strictly for my children. (huh, you say) When my four oldest were little they had colors for all of their kitchen utensils. Oldest to youngest was blue, yellow, green, and red. I used to say that I did that to make sure that they didn't fight over who got what. But that was only a half truth. It was for me. Everything had to match, and now that I have this second generation of children, it has started all over again. Now the colors are blue, green, and pink. And today the littlest swirlie was very upset because she did not want to use pink, she wanted green. Well, that is not her color! I tried to explain to her that her cup is pink, so she had to use the pink plate, it only made sense. She was not listening to this logic, because she's 2,what is wrong with me. So needless to say she got to eat on the green plate, and her big brother used pink. But I could not stop thinking about this, so much so that I had to freaking blog about it. OCD! Ugh!

Alright maybe I am being a bit dramatic, but seriously, this could become an issue,I mean it could completely take over, my goodness,what if it moves beyond the color coding thing,I could have an episode just thinking about me having it!I'm kidding, kinda, sorta. By the way the bread was delicious :)

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