Friday, May 9, 2008

Where have all the Boy Scouts gone?

Today as I was doing my Friday run around, I was driving down was is a fairly busy street in town. As I was breaking the law and talking on my cell phone, (fully justified because I was stopped at a red light) I saw a very sad sight; two little old ladies trying to cross the street. The first lady made is across OK but as the second lady tried to cross the light started to change, so she RAN back to the corner. It took all that I had to not seriously pull a citizen's traffic stop kind of thing, get out of my car and help her get across the street. All I could think is where are all the little boys looking to earn so me kind of merit badge and help this poor lady across the street? It was just really sad...I would hope that if this was me, there would be some one that would stop, or at least stop their cars long enough to let me get across.

OK, now you ask, did I stop? No...pathetic, I know. But before you wag your finger at me (or worse) all I could think is: I pull over, get out of my van, run up to this complete stranger, offer to help her cross the street, and she begins to hurl wonderful words of insults at me because I scared the crap out of her and what on Earth makes me think that she is incapable of crossing the street by herself. Geesh, lady I was just trying to help!

OK, OK, so that is what happened to all the Boy Scouts...just maybe?!

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